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Public Air - udvalgt til Venedig Biennalen 2016; "Art of Many" i den danske pavilion

Projektet diskuterer med København som udgangspunkt udviklingspotentialer der relaterer sig til sundhed, miljø og klima. Transport med cykel og uformel idræt på gadeplan er tæt forbundet med vores opfattelse af "det gode liv" i Hovedstaden. Men disse aktiviteter foregår ofte i sammenhæng med gader og byrum hvor luftforureningen overstiger sundhedsskadelige niveauer. Derfor diskuter projektet visioner for byens nye infrastruktur og viser hvordan ny viden kan forme nye byrum og forbindelser. Projektet er et samarbejde med den Schweiziske arkitekt Philippe Rahm og er støttet af Statens Kunstfond og Dreyers Fond. Med projektet ønsker vi at vise hvordan et arkitektonisk udviklingsprojekt kan skabes i en dialog mellem kunst og videnskab.
Viden om termodynamik og akustik giver os værktøjer til at forme en ny by der medtænker sunde og tilmed mere komfortable og oplevelsesrige rum når vi gentænker infrastrukturen for cykelbyen København. En sådan ny infrastruktur kan med mindre strategiske og designmæssige ændringer indtænkes i den eksisterende plan for 2025 som allerede arbejder med nye broer og tværforbindelser. Adskilt fra fosilbyens arterier (der kun langsom afvikles eller om et årti er erstattet af elbilteknologi) kan den voksende cykelinfrastuktur netop nu udgøre vækstgrundlag og netværk for et hel nyt økosystem af grønne forbindelser. Strukturen kan samtænkes med øvrige grønne korridorer og danne byens nye ansigt ! Her kan byen udvikles sammen med nye kreative zoner og boområder hvor nye borgernære aktiviteter og afgrødedyrkning kan understøttes fra dør til dør i et grøntnetværk med sunde arbejdspladser og rekreative udfoldelsesmuligheder adskilt fra støj og forurening og med et helt nyt og unikt bymiljø.

København som den grønne metropol den gerne vil være ?

Støttet af

Statens Kunstfond og

Dreyers Fond



Arkitekt maa. Frans Drewniak



Udviklingsprojekt ved Philippe Rahm og Frans Drewniak



Arkitekt maa. Louise Dedenroth Høj


Foto © Nynne Thykier

The “Public Air” project for the City of Copenhagen aims to rethink the formal and technological heritage of the 20th century in favor of new physiological criteria, to mitigate the air and noise pollution brought on by automobiles and industrial processes. To this end, cycling has recently become even more popular in Copenhagen, in spite of the city’s vehicle-centric design and materials. Consequently, cyclists in Copenhagen share the roads with cars, a result the 20th century urban planning. Further, the physical exertion necessary for riding a bike causes bicyclists to breathe deeper, inhaling the air pollution given off by automobiles. Because it is both socially and politically impossible to ban the use of cars in the city, the City of Copenhagen has recently proposed further initiatives for the “Green Bike Network” to be developed in the near future. This proposal comprises a network of paths specific to bicycle and pedestrian traffic, and parallel to roadways used by automobiles. The plan, already in progress, navigates parks and vacant spaces in order to avoid crossing streets used by motor vehicles, and the air pollution therein. Rather than fighting against air pollution and the automotive-centric design of the 20th century, this project proposes the creation of a new physiological vocabulary for the Green Bike Network. By analyzing and reconceptualizing each element of the 20th century built environment that contributes to undesirable physiological consequences, we can return to the causal relationship between physiological necessity and the impulse to build. Based on a study of urban forms and materials, focusing on how they contribute to air pollution, noise pollution, and heat gain, each element of the built environment has been reconsidered in terms of its ability negate undesirable physiological consequences caused by the current built environment and climate of Copenhagen. Soil, façade material, street furniture, street layout and orientation, air, light, sound, and smell are elements that can be specifically implemented to create a more comfortable city air quality, noise threshold, and atmospheric temperature, in the cold climate of northern Europe. Our goal is to provide a comfortable street network and atmospheric quality for cyclists, that protects them from cold winds, utilizes light to simulate the warmth of the Sun, and minimizes air and noise pollution. In a way, the new street, a public space, will have the comfort and quality of life – specifically, heat, clean air, silence – that are usually exclusive to private space in a house or the inside of a car. To optimize the comfort of pedestrians and cyclists, we are offering research and ideation toward conceiving a new street layout, construction, building orientation, and material usage. To do so, we have analyzed each physical component of the proposed Green Bike Network according to the following criterias:


• NO COLD measures

• NO NOISE measures

• NO POLLUTION measures


Any given combination of the Cold, Noise and Pollution measures could be applied to new bike routes. But in the 3 project testbeds; Rentemestervej, Skelbækgade & Ved Amagerbanen we have focused on each of the measures to highlight the practical potentials of the research applied.

Public Air Copenhagen Exhibition Særudstilling Leth & Gori 2014

Foto © Bauen


Udgivelse i serien New Geographies -

Tema : Grounding Metabolisme.

Harvard University Grauduate School of Design med artikel om Public Air - Copenhagen

Public Air Copenhagen

Særudstilling KADK 2015; Biblioteket for Arkitektur, Design & Scenekunst

© Bauen

Model på vej til udstillingen

"Art of Many"

Den danske pavilion;

Venedig biennalen 2016

© Bauen

Bogen ‘Art of Many – the Right to Space’, Brorman Jensen, Boris; Lindhardt Weiss, Kristoffer. Dansk Arkitektur Center. København 2016

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